Timbers Edge News
September 3, 2023:
To: All Timbers Edge Homeowners
From: Board of Directors - Timbers Edge Homeowners Association
Celebrations and Gatherings
It is the obligation of the Timbers Edge Homeowners Association to ensure that each Lot Owner in our Community is adhering to the Declaration of Covenants and our Rules and Regulations. Our Community is striving to continue to be a beautiful place in which to reside harmoniously with our neighbors.
Holidays and other celebrations are joyous times to spend with family and friends. The Board of Directors hopes everyone enjoys these gatherings. We kindly ask that you be mindful of your neighbors when hosting gatherings / celebrations as not all have the same work schedules and lifestyles.
Please revisit Section 24 of the Declaration of Covenants regarding noise disturbances. If you misplaced your copy, you will find one on our website, timbersedgefrankfort.com In addition, The Village of Frankfort addresses noise disturbance in the Code of Ordinances, Section 95.31 as follows:
No sounds shall be emitted from any place of mass gathering in such manner that said sound shall be audible beyond the property lines of the premises whereon the place of mass gathering is located. At no time shall noise or sound emanate which, either by mechanical or electrical devices or live performance, in any manner disturbs, annoys, injures, dangers, or tends to disturb, annoy, injure, or endanger the comfort, repose, health, peace, tranquility, or safety of persons or the public in general.
Also note that the Village may levy a fine of up to $750 per violation and additionally the Homeowners Association may levy fines of no less than $100 per occurrence.
Timbers Edge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
June 5, 2023:
Timbers Edge Annual Garage Sale – Saturday, August 5th (9AM – 3 PM)
The 2023 Garage Sale season has arrived. Mark your calendars for the Timbers Edge Annual Garage Sale. Once again, we will piggyback off of the Frankfort Park District's Annual Garage Sale. The Park District will advertise the sale in local newspapers, on-line sites, and post signs throughout the community. Each participating home will receive a packet including a garage sale sign, balloons, map of Frankfort subdivisions and garage sale selling tips.
If you would like to participate, please register at the Founder Community Center (140 Oak St., Frankfort, IL. 60423 phone: 815-469-9400) before July 29th. There is a registration fee of $10 per home. Your package can be picked up at time of registration.
Please Note: This is the only approved Garage Sale event allowed in Timbers Edge (individual Garage Sales are not permitted).
Timbers Edge HOA
March 25, 2023:
Timbers Edge Homeowners:
We noticed there are quite a few of our mailboxes and/or playsets that are in need of attention. Some are leaning and need to be reset, some need to be painted and or stained, some need to have parts replaced, while some need a complete overall. We are asking that those who have a mailbox and/or playset in need of repair (i.e., chipped paint, missing parts, out of plumb, etc.) or replacement to take action by June 1, 2023.
We are sure you have noticed that there has been a significant increase in new home construction and subsequent sales in Timbers Edge. Given that increase, it is important that your HOA ensures that the Timbers Edge Rules, Regulation, and Covenants are enforced. These Rules, Regulation, and Covenants are what makes our subdivision standout from others.
During this year, in addition to enforcing all rules, regulations, and covenants we will be focusing on making sure the following rules, regulations, and covenants are followed:
Basketball units: All basketball backboards and any other fixed games and play structures shall be located behind the front of the dwelling.
(a) Front load garage homes Fixed or portable behind rear of dwelling (back yard) Side load garage homes Portable or fixed behind the front line of the home.
(b) Homes that are on a corner lot, one with the front door facing the street or one with the garage facing the street must place basketball backboard in the rear (backyard) of the home.
(c) Backboard must be behind the side and front lines of the home.
Trash cans: Garbage, rubbish, debris or other unsightly materials are not to be stored or left in any common area or on private property. Refuse must be stored inside the homeowner’s garage or out of public and neighbors view.
Refuse containers shall be placed at the end of the homeowner’s driveway in accordance with Village ordinance and no more than twelve hours prior to pick up.
(b) Homeowners should contact the village for instructions on disposal of large items such as refrigerators, stoves, etc. or excessive quantities of building materials. Trash receptacles need to be placed back in your garages or behind appropriate fencing on the same day as the trash is picked up.
Landscaping: All changes and/or modifications to landscaping requires approval from the ARB. Also, all newly constructed must have landscaping completed within 90 days of receiving a certificate of occupancy from the Village of Frankfort.
As with all Timbers Edge Rules, Regulation, and Covenants, violation of the above stated rules may result in fines. Your HOA does not take any pleasure in accessing fines for violations, but as our obligation to the residents of Timbers Edge requires, we will do so if necessary.
Speeding: Your HOA is also asking all residents and guest thereof to be very mindful of the speed limit and traffic control signs within the subdivision. As the summer season nears, there will be much more outdoor activity in our subdivision, i.e., children riding their bicycles, neighbors out for a walk, etc. Throughout the year, especially during summer, your HOA Board receives numerous complaints about residents and their guests speeding through the subdivision. Mobile radar with photo capturing capabilities will be deployed by the Frankfort Police Department at various times during the year. Please help keep our neighbors safe and obey the traffic rules.
Thank you for helping keep Timbers Edge the exclusive subdivision it is.
Timbers Edge HOA.
January 17, 2023:
Timbers Edge Residents:
Winter is finally settling in, with it comes the joy of snow and freezing temperatures. As a reminder, when shoveling and plowing snow, do not throw it into the streets.
Also, be mindful of the winter street parking restrictions. Let's enjoy the picturesque views and hope it will melt soon.
Timbers Edge HOA
December 1, 2022:
Reminder to our residents:
1. The Village of Frankfort does not allow parking on streets between the hours of 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM after a 2” snowfall. This ban allows crews to completely clear streets of snow and ice. Failure to move your vehicle may result in a ticket and/or tow by the Frankfort Police Department. An additional fine of no less than $100 may also be assessed by the HOA.
2. Do not blow or shovel snow from driveways onto the streets as this can create a hazard.
3. Parents please warn children about the hazards of digging tunnels in snow piles, especially those along the road.
4. Use caution when driving near snow removal equipment.
5. Don't forget to shovel around the fire hydrant near your property to ensure quick identification in case of fire.
June 1, 2023:
The Frankfort Village Board recently adopted an ordinance (#3237) requiring visual screening of waste and recyclable receptacles on single family residential property. The principal objective to achieve is restricting visibility of receptacles from the road. The law is written to permit fines, however, the Village is interested in gaining voluntary compliance. Initial enforcement will be administered on a courteous basis, with fines reserved for persistent non-compliance.
Receptacles should be located:
1. Inside a garage;
2. Behind the home;
3. On the side of the home.
Screening may be accomplished with:
1. Landscaping;
2. Fencing*;
3. Masonry walls.
Please note that our Covenants, Rules and Restrictions prohibited the storage of waste receptacles in areas that are visible from the road. Therefore, all waste receptacles placed outside must be screened with either landscaping or a masonry wall (*fencing is not allowed); approval by the ARB will be required. In addition, the HOA will issue fines separate from the Village to any lot owner who fails to comply with our Rules and Regulations.
Please refer to Article VI - Use Restrictions and Building Regulations in the Covenants and Section 22 and Section 22 in the Rules and Regulations. If you would like to view these documents on-line, go to http://www.timbersedgefrankfort.com.
March 20, 2022:
As the warm weather quickly approaches, we wanted to send out a few reminders to help us maintain an enjoyable place to live:
1. The sidewalks are considered common areas but lawns (and vacant lots) are the private property of each homeowner/lot owner. Please do not allow your dog to wander onto the lawns to do their business (strictly enforced minimum $100 fine for each violation) . In the same manner, children, contractors, guests, etc., should be reminded that it's not okay to bike, walk, or skate across neighboring lots (vacant or otherwise).
2. ATVs and dirt bikes cannot be ridden anywhere in the Village of Frankfort unless they are properly licensed, street legal, and insured.
3. Please help keep the park clean by respecting the park and play areas (i.e., do not sit on the picnic table, toss your trash in the can, etc.).
4. Portable basketball hoops are not to be placed in the street and they must be stored behind the front of the property line nightly.
5. It is unlawful for any person under 16 years of age to be on, about or remain upon any street, alley, public way or public place situated within the corporate limits of the village between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. less such person is accompanied by a parent or guardian or other person having custody of said minor, or unless said minor is engaged in lawful employment making it necessary to be in a place at a time not otherwise permitted herein.
6. No trucks, trailers, campers, etc., are to be kept on any lot or on any street (i.e., dilapidated or disabled vehicles) in excess of 48 hours (and only for the purpose of loading and unloading).
7. Parking is allowed only on paved surfaces. Parking on the parkway is not allowed.
8. Avoid speeding on residential streets. The Frankfort Police department will be patrolling the area.
9. Be considerate of others while driving through the area. Not everyone likes the same music so please keep your radios down.
10. No improvement or structure of any kind including without limitation, any building, fence, wall swimming pool, tennis court, screen enclosure, sewer, drain, disposal system, decorative building, deck, gazebo, landscape device or object structure or other improvement shall be commenced, erected, placed or maintained upon any Lot, nor shall any addition, change or alteration therein or thereof be made, unless and until the plans, specifications and location of the same shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Board (ARB).
Please review the Covenants and Rules and Regulations! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Homeowners Association. The Board is obligated to enforce the Covenants and Rules and Regulations. You don’t want a violation notice appearing in your mailbox with a fine attached.
1st Offense $100
2nd Offense Up to $200
3rd Offense Up to $300
Timbers Edge home and lot owners:
We are striving to make Timers Edge the most sought out community to live and raise a family. First impressions are lasting impressions and as we look around at some of the lots the images are not appealing. We’ve had plenty of rain and the grass and weeds have grown by leaps and bounds.
Our covenants state that each lot shall be kept in a clean and sightly condition at all times. Ordinances require that weeds and grass be kept below 8 inches in height. This message is to advise that all lots that are above 8 inches must be cut within 5 days from the date of this message.
To ensure the aesthetics of our community are highly maintained, we will be asking the Village Code Enforcement Officer to mow all lawns which have grown above 8 inches. When the lawn is mowed by the Village they will invoice the homeowners directly (the cost can be more than $300). Additional fines may also be assessed by the HOA.
Please help keep our community a desired place to live.
Below are a few of the rules and restrictions within Timbers Edge. For more information, please refer to our Covenants and Rules and Regulations.
General Questions and Concerns, Covenants, Rules and Restrictions, Common Areas, etc:
Timbers Edge Board of Directors:
Email: Timbersedge11@gmail.com
Website: www.timbersedgefrankfort.com
Phone: 708-532-6200 (Park Management and Realty notify the Board of your call)
Assessments, Billing Statements, Paid Assessment Letters, Make Payments:
Park Management and Realty
8951 W 151st St, Orland Park, IL 60462
Phone: 708-532-6200
New Construction, Landscaping, Patios, Swimming Pools, and other external modifications:
Timbers Edge Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Email: ARBTtimbersEdge@gmail.com
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Homeowners Association.
Copyright © Timbers Edge, Frankfort, IL HOA